


スタディサプリ英語 どうにか90日連続。

春から始めたスタディサプリ英語。 一日でも休んだら、また一日目からカウントになるので、 なかなか連続日数が伸びなかったのだけれども、 今、どうにか90日連続を達成した。


Today's theme is the Zoo. Yesterday, I talked with Israeli girl about animal in our country. In israel, there are not Tanuki.She knew about Tanuki through the Miyazaki animation. It is the Japanese original myths tamuki and fox deceive hum…


Today's theme is the Zoo. Yesterday, I talked with Israeli girl about animal in our country. In israel, there are not Tanuki.She knew about Tanuki through the Miyazaki animation. It is the Japanese original myths tamuki and fox deceive hum…
